Pay ugliest debt first

Forget Debt Snowball, Pay Off the Ugliest Debt First

Don’t blindly follow the experts. Follow what’s best for you. But you can’t go wrong with paying the ugliest debt first with a vengeance!

America's Richest Immigrant in 2018
American dream

Here are America’s Richest Immigrants in 2019

Forbes recently published its annual list of billionaires for 2019. Not to be overshadowed, I too decided I’m making my richest immigrant list an annual thing; hoping this post can inspire and motivate fellow immigrants out there who are tired of hearing about the border wall.

Never Invest in a Life Insurance

Why You Should Never Invest in a Life Insurance Policy

Besides the complexity and permanence, one thing permanent life policies have in common is they all stink and hence should be avoided as much as possible. Here’s why.


What If You Didn’t Have to Pay Taxes?

Do you find yourself constantly daydreaming about not paying taxes? Be careful what you wish for when you rub that magic lamp. Or you might end up like the 60-year-old husband who instantly turned 90 after wishing for a much younger wife!

How to Ruin Your Investment Portfolio (Part III: Short Selling)

How to Ruin Your Investment Portfolio (Part III: Short Selling)

In Wall Street and beyond, there is no shortage of greedy people. Many will resort to strategies that are borderline immoral like short-selling stocks of company XYZ and wishing that the company loses half of its value so long as they profit from the trade— even if it meant that the company goes bankrupt and the majority of its employees are laid off.

How to ruin your investment porfolio (Part II: Technical Analysis)

How to Ruin Your Investment Portfolio (Part II: Technical Analysis)

Humans are by nature impatient. At the supermarket counter, we’d constantly look into our watches when several people are queued ahead of us. If we’re in a hurry, we’d drive to another store even if it takes much longer to get there. And if we actually do, we’d honk on a car in front of us, at some stoplight along the way if the driver hesitates to proceed for safety.

How to Ruin Your Investment Portfolio Part I

How to Ruin Your Investment Portfolio (Part I: Day Trading)

Almost everyone has heard of Aesop’s parable of “The Tortoise and the Hare”. In a nutshell, the story goes like this… There once was a hare who bragged about how fast he can run. Tired of the hare’s boastful behavior, the tortoise, challenges him to a race. The hare soon …

No. 1 Destroyer of Wealth is Divorce

The No. 1 Destroyer of Wealth is Divorce

Out of the most feared and dreaded D’s in life, there’s probably no subject more shunned upon by money bloggers than the topic of divorce. It’s not a particularly difficult topic to write about, and yet many avoid the subject altogether. This is surprising because divorce is no longer a taboo considering its prevalence in modern society.

Top 10 posts of 2018

Lessons from the Most Popular Posts of 2018

As we welcome the new year, let’s take a look at the most popular articles that were published here on Millionaire Before 50. But more importantly, let’s highlight the lessons that we can learn from them.

Stock Market is like Climate Change: Keep your Eye on the Man, not the Dog

Stock Market is like Climate Change: Keep your Eye on the Man, not the Dog

In episode 12 of the fascinating science mini-series, Cosmos, Neil deGrasse Tyson explains why meteorologists suck at predicting the weather. He goes on to explain the difference between weather and climate. “Weather is what the atmosphere does in the short term, hour to hour, day to day. Weather is chaotic, …