My wife posing at the Jersey shore.

The Real Cost of Buying that 65″ TV

Earlier this morning, I sold a mutual fund that I held for 15 long years– Laudus International MarketMasters Fund™ (ticker symbol SWOIX). As the name suggests, the fund invests in shares of companies outside the United States. It falls under Morningstar’s “Foreign Large Growth” category because the fund manager’s focus is …

Financial Planning

Your Household Needs a Year-End Report

Along with rebalancing my portfolio, the other thing that I do with my finances before the year ends is updating my household’s end-of-year spreadsheet. It doesn’t have to be overly complex. Mine is very simple and can be done by anyone who is Excel savvy. I’ve been updating the Excel document …

Rented lamborghini

Drive Carefully. Don’t Skimp on Insurance.

One of the aspects of wealth building is being able to protect what you have accumulated. Even if you are extremely frugal with no debt, wealth that you have worked so hard for your entire life can be lost in various ways, among them: A natural disaster Medical emergency Ugly …

S&P 500 vs DOW
About me

I’m Officially a Millionaire After Trump’s Win

I finally reached the millionth milestone after Republican Donald Trump’s win. This is unexpected because I was expecting a market crash. It’s a testament that one should never time the market. Just a week ago, I jokingly suggested to my coworkers to move all their investments to cash, wait for …


When Buying a Hybrid Car Make Sense

I’ve recently received an email from the Toyota dealer where I bought my Prius from. The email states that it’s due for its 80,000-mile scheduled maintenance. I replaced my Honda Civic with a Toyota Prius C in 2012 hoping to save a ton of money because I have a long commute. My eldest …


How to Become a Millionaire

Some of you may wonder, how exactly can I become a millionaire? One route is to have a fabulous income. Rock stars, movie stars, or famous athletes may have no trouble achieving this status the first time they get their paychecks. Those that fall into this category achieved their success through a …

Asset allocation

9-11 Portfolio

The week ending 9-11 was somewhat catastrophic as global equities and emerging-markets tumbled by at least 2%. Dow Jones index was down by 394 points, while the S&P 500 fell by 53 points. It was the biggest rout since Britain voted to secede from the European Union. The previous two months have been …


400 Weeks

Coming up with a successful pre-retirement strategy involves detailed planning. For starters, you need to list down some goals. For us, the ultimate financial goal is to retire comfortably by age 60, which is 800 freaking weeks from now! This obviously is NOT a FIRE (Financially Independent, Retire in your …

About me

About This Blog

Thanks for stopping by Millionaire Before 50. I hope you enjoy your stay. Some facts about me… I’m a Filipino-American software engineer who moved to the U.S. during the dot-com boom and eventual bust, which caused many layoffs in the tech industry. While the recession did not necessarily leave me in financial …