Scared that you might not be able to retire? Fear not! This not-so-simple calculator performs 1,000 simulations to give you valuable insight into the longevity of your savings. Of course, it’s written by no other than yours truly. So, I know exactly how it works! This is very timely because …
One of the most entertaining scenes in the movie ‘Wolf of Wall Street’ is when Mark Hanna (played by Matthew McConaughey) explains to new recruit Jordan Belford (Leonardo DiCaprio) how stockbroking business works over lunch of martini and cocaine. “F*** the clients. Your only responsibility is to put meat on …
Ever since I paid off our mortgage, I’ve been buying a mortgage worth of stocks in my taxable brokerage account. Now that I’m inclined to retire early, I plan to stash even more into this third bucket I proudly refer to as my “war chest.” Sure, every budding early retiree …
The past 90 days were particularly exciting if you’re a stock market investor. It reminds me of the Hershey Park roller coaster I was compelled to ride to accompany my 10-year-old nephew. It was a terrifying experience, but not for my nephew, who was having a blast the entire time, …
Let’s say you’ve saved Warren Buffett’s cat from falling into a ditch. Extremely grateful, he offered a reward that lets you pick between two options: Which option would you pick? Option 1 or Option 2? If you picked the first option, congratulations, you’re $3,000,000 richer: But then, you just short-changed …
When the market is moving haywire, many DIY investors are tempted to be more creative with their investments. So, they resort to strategies that will likely ruin their portfolios: day trading, buying on margin, short selling, etc., instead of sticking to the proven, slow-and-steady, or buy-and-hold approach to investing. One such strategy …
Many newbie investors have second thoughts about investing their hard-earned money in the stock market, which is completely understandable. But some ask silly questions like, “Should I invest now or wait for the bottom?” And I’m like, “Good luck finding the bottom!” The truth is, whether you invest at the …
One reason why this blog will never achieve mainstream is I couldn’t share it with my family or friends. How could I when I’ve been blogging about the intimate details of my finances— and theirs too! I first blogged about my sister’s finances in 2017 when she had a net …
Imagine you’re hiking in the Alaskan wilderness with a friend, and not far away, you spot two little cubs heading toward you both. Your heart starts pounding, wondering where momma bear is until you get startled by the sight of an angry grizzly ready to pounce the two of you …
Russia has invaded Ukraine, another black swan event to wreak havoc in the stock market just when the world has barely recovered from the effects of COVID-19. Putin must have lost his mind— a scary proposition considering that Russia has the most nukes in its arsenal. What’s next? The Chinese …