
Impact Investing: the Economy is Moving Away From Profit and Toward Purpose

In life, there are two main ways you can achieve financial freedom: you could get rich at all costs and not care about anything else, which could also put you in trouble and make enemies along the way, or you could become a conscious investor with a purpose. The first …

Why chasing returns is a loser's game

Cathie Wood and ARKK: Why Chasing Returns is a Loser’s Game

How do you call an investment that failed? Answer: a long-term investment! Far too many investors think it’s a joke to stick with underperforming funds in their portfolio— selling them in favor of attractive ones— turning temporary losses into real ones. Nothing wrong with buying and selling based on a …

S&P 500 is not the stock market

News Flash: The S&P 500 is Not the Stock Market

I’m not going to lie to you. Financially, it has been an excellent year for us as a couple. With no mortgage to think about and the kids’ college savings almost funded, our cash reserves have been piling up faster than we can invest. If Trump’s win, four years ago, …

First Million is the Hardest

The First Million is the Hardest (here’s how to make it easier)

As cliché as it sounds, the first million is the hardest. Having achieved recently my second in four short years instead of fifteen— saving for my first— is a testament to this. But why exactly is that? The short answer is it takes money to beget money. The more money …

Coronavirus stock market crash

How to Survive and Thrive from the Coronavirus Stock Market Crash

As I’m writing this, the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 wreaks havoc across the globe, causing the U.S. stock market to plunge more than 20% in a few weeks. The rush to safety accelerated to unseen levels since the Black Monday of 1987. Thanks to the uncertainty. As if that’s …

American dream

What 20 Years in America has Taught Me About Money

Today is my 20th anniversary living in America— the land of milk and honey. The place where pretty much anything that I’m accustomed to seeing is bigger. Bigger houses, bigger cars, bigger TVs., bigger you name it. I can vividly remember what my reaction was

Masterworks Review

Masterworks Review: Fine Arts Make Fine Investments

Ask any successful investor not named Warren Buffett their secrets for minimizing risk, and they will tell you it’s diversification. Not putting all your eggs in one basket is essential for preserving both your wealth and your sanity. Whenever I pack for a trip abroad, for example, I always make …

One Million Dollars

This is How Long it Takes to Save a Million Dollars

Ever wonder how long it takes to save a million dollars? The short answer is it depends how much you can save each month and how well your investment performs. Admittedly, one million dollars is not what it used to be, thanks to inflation. But it’s still a reasonable goal …


Rebalancing Your Portfolio is Like Going to the Dentist

There’s probably nothing more uncomfortable than your visits to the dentist. I don’t know about yours, but my dentist doesn’t have the gentlest hands I can brag about. Once you’re seated on that dreaded chair, you’ll be as helpless as a toddler as she works on scraping the tartar buildup …

How to Ruin Your Investment Portfolio (Part III: Short Selling)

How to Ruin Your Investment Portfolio (Part III: Short Selling)

In Wall Street and beyond, there is no shortage of greedy people. Many will resort to strategies that are borderline immoral like short-selling stocks of company XYZ and wishing that the company loses half of its value so long as they profit from the trade— even if it meant that the company goes bankrupt and the majority of its employees are laid off.