Wow! Grats on the mill! I'm a Filipino about to migrate to Australia and hoping to do lots of saving and stock investing. I was wondering about investing in US stocks as well but worry about not knowing enough. Do I need to declare taxes in the US? Do I need to have a US bank account? Hope you can shed some light on this matter.

I finally reached the millionth milestone after Republican Donald Trump’s win. This is unexpected because I was expecting a market crash. It’s a testament that one should never time the market.
Just a week ago, I jokingly suggested to my coworkers to move all their investments to cash, wait for the market to plummet when Trump wins, and then buy everything back. Fortunately, none of them took my “advice” seriously, or I would have been chased down the hallway at work with an ax.

I’m sure, a million dollars is just a chump change for these two people (especially the one sipping my iced coffee). But I’m still proud of this accomplishment considering that I never started investing until I turned 30. Besides, how many people can boast about coming to America to become a millionaire in his forties?
Of course, I couldn’t have reached this milestone without my wife. Follow this blog post if you want to read more about how we did it.